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.Tuesday, June 03, 2008 ' 12:22 PM Y


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You're all I ever wanted ;

.Thursday, May 15, 2008 ' 12:14 PM Y

hey! now inside office nth to do! so, thinking of blogging. hmmmmm... i cant wait for public holiday to come.Which is on MONDAY! WOOHOOO!! hahahHaHas.. ok.. just come here to annouce monday is public holiday. lol! that's all. Hahas..!! bye!!!

You're all I ever wanted ;

.Monday, May 12, 2008 ' 9:28 AM Y


Mon(5may), went out wid zhen to celebrate her birthday in advance. went to eat new york x2 for dinner.

Wed(7may),went to celebrate my manager birthday at singapore flying club. The place is very wulu. quite near seletar country club. hehe.

my manager cutting her cake :P

(10may), HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ZHEN. is her actual birthday. wanna ask her out. But she is not free on that day=(

At night, went to Irumous to celebrate bao birthday.


hmmm.. that's all le. will upload those pic when i'm free =)

You're all I ever wanted ;

.Monday, May 05, 2008 ' 12:13 PM Y

Long time no update. Cos being busying working. hmmmm... gt so many things to update. but just lazy to blog. Now, i am super sleepy. -__-

hmmm.. last friday, mit my godsis to hospital to visit my cousin. haiix.. life really unpredictable. My cousin suffering from brain infection. he have been staying in the hospital for 2 weeks le. and.. is getting bad to worst. Now, he can't remember anyone of us. Even the doctor also told us that he need to investigate what had happen to him. Because, the doctor also dunno y he can't recognise us.

Just hoping that he can get well soon.


You're all I ever wanted ;

.Tuesday, April 08, 2008 ' 1:29 AM Y

Went to zoo on last thursday(3rd April) with bao. cabbed down to zoo and i think i only went there for awhile, Cos gt a urgent call from Mel.

Didn't took alot of pictures there because only went to some of the places to see the animals. = (


bao keep on disturbing this monkey. =_="

I wanna go zoo again. cos, i havent see my cow cow yet! hahahas. Thanks bao for treating me eat ben & jerry icecream =) hehe...
(7April2008) Today, headed down to "belong" salon to have my hair dye. NOW.. my hair is... RED!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH! I like my red hair. hahahas. went with karen and feng. hehe.. kaRen highlight her hair.. feng accompany me. hehehe.. didn't take any pictures because.. my hair colour is not obvious. unless is under the sunlight =) hehe..
so.. now.. it's time for me to sleep. gOOdNiTE eVeryOne =)

You're all I ever wanted ;

.Sunday, April 06, 2008 ' 1:39 AM Y

Do i looks weird in my current hairstyle?
lol. i know i really lame. haix. long long hair gone *

You're all I ever wanted ;

.Wednesday, April 02, 2008 ' 8:31 PM Y

i just cut my hair. omg. cut 2 inches. so long nv cut my hair until so short le. =(


You're all I ever wanted ;

N Mur-murings


N Site Master

This is me ♥

♥P A U L I N E♥
♥1 9 This yr

N Cravings

What I want ♥

♥ VAIO laptop
♥ Nikon Digital Camera

N Run away

My loves ♥

N Music Spinning